The Hague Council of Children re-arranges The Sculpture Gallery
The Hague Council of Children is committed to keeping art and culture affordable and accessible for everyone. Their call was answered by Stroom and resulted in a new and refreshing arrangement of The Sculpture Gallery which was unveiled on Monday by alderman Robert van Asten. It is striking how much importance the children attach to cultural diversity. For example, the sculptures Heaven holds a sense of wonder by Famke van Wijk and Tantratrijn by Rob Birza were put next to each other because they represent values from Christianity and Hinduism. Other works that make a big impression are Femmy Otten’s androgynous nude And Life Is Over There and the Girlfriends with headscarves by Tony van de Vorst. What the kids miss is a work about Black Lives Matter and sculptures related to nature. Of course we take their advice to heart. In the video Cultuur is noodzaak! (Culture is a necessity!) the children tell more about some of their choices (in Dutch).
You can read the whole article here (in Dutch)
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